PT Radiant Utama Interinsco Tbk

  • Diposting pada:
  • Kategori:
    Diploma, Migas, SarjanaDiploma, Migas, Sarjana
  • Lokasi:
    Seluruh Indonesia
  • Pendidikan:
  • Pengalaman:
    5-10 Tahun

PT Radiant Utama Interinsco Tbk adalah perusahaan nasional yang telah berpengalaman lebih dari 30 tahun dalam industri minyak dan gas bumi. Sejak didirikan pada tahun 1984, perusahaan ini telah tumbuh menjadi salah satu pemain utama di sektor energi Indonesia. Fokus utama RUIS adalah menyediakan layanan hulu hingga hilir dalam industri minyak dan gas, mulai dari eksplorasi hingga produksi.

Sebagai perusahaan publik yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia, RUIS memiliki komitmen untuk memberikan kinerja yang baik dan transparan kepada para pemegang saham. Perusahaan ini juga memiliki jaringan operasi yang luas di seluruh Indonesia, dengan jumlah karyawan yang cukup besar. Melalui berbagai cabang yang tersebar di berbagai wilayah, RUIS mampu melayani kebutuhan klien dari berbagai skala dan kompleksitas.

Dalam menjalankan usahanya, RUIS senantiasa mengedepankan prinsip-prinsip keselamatan kerja, perlindungan lingkungan, dan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan. Perusahaan ini juga terus berinovasi dan mengembangkan teknologi untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktivitas. Dengan dukungan sumber daya manusia yang kompeten dan infrastruktur yang memadai, RUIS mampu bersaing di pasar yang semakin kompetitif.

Lowongan Kerja PT Radiant Utama Interinsco Tbk


Requirements :

  • Bachelor degree in Engineering from reputable University.
  • Min. 5 years experiences as material coordinator, it may consist of familiar to handle EPCI material management, regulation and mechanism of export-import process in Oil &Gas Industry.
  • Good leadership and management skills.
  • Good communication skill in English and Bahasa.
  • Able to work independently as well and able work under high-pressured.
  • Able to act as interface representative and submit routine report for CPY relate with material coordinator responsibility.
  • Able and willing to work in all Project designated area (from beginning up to final phase of project EPCI)


Requirements :

  • Bachelor’s degree majoring Engineering (Structural, Electrical/Instrument, Mechanical/Piping, Process). MS degree a plus.
  • Must have more than 10 years’ experience in oil and gas industry and 7 years in discipline/facility engineer.
  • HNC/Degree in Engineering Discipline.
  • Extensive experience in multi discipline Brownfield construction/shutdown operations on/offshore combined with a sound knowledge of Safety, PTW, RA, JRA, environment regulations standards and procedures.
  • Onshore compilation of work packs, able to work with minimum supervision, able to provide construction support to the offshore team, attend constructability reviews, participation in task risk assessments.
  • Good written, verbal communication skills with demonstrable experience in on/offshore in supervisory/engineering capacity.
  • Having ability in English Language.


Requirements :

  • Bachelor’s degree majoring Engineering (Structural, Electrical/Instrument, Mechanical/Piping, Process). MS degree a plus.
  • Experience as Shutdown Planner in a major oil and gas company. Not less than 8 years of working experience in oil & gas industry, both offshore and onshore.
  • Fully conversant with Planning Software such as Primavera, Ms Project, etc.
  • Not less than 8 years of experience of working in a prior similar position.
  • Not less than 8 years of experience of working with contractors and supervising the contractors.
  • Develop shutdown planning,
  • Develop activities schedule, shutdown time lines and manpower loading,
  • Ensure all shutdown workpacks are completed for execution,
  • Integrate Production and Maintenance Activities plan with Project Development Activities Plan to avoid any clash during execution.
  • Having ability in English Language.


Requirements :

  • Bachelor’s degree majoring Engineering (Structural, Electrical/Instrument, Mechanical/Piping, Process). MS degree a plus.
  • Not less than 10 years of experience of working in a prior similar position.
  • Not less than 10 years of experience of working with contractors and supervising the contractors.
  • Familiar with Ms Project.
  • Having ability in English Language.
  • Support shutdown planning during preparation phase,
  • Develop mandatory documents for shutdown readiness assessment,
  • Ensure all shutdown requirements are in place prior to execution,
  • Support Production & Maintenance team to develop shutdown workpack and execution strategy.


Requirements :

  • Engineering degree (preferred) major in Chemical Engineering, Instrument and Control Engineering, or Mechanical Engineering.
  • At least 10 years of experience in the Oil & Gas industry in both onshore and/or offshore facilities
  • At least 5 years of experience in offshore commissioning and start-up of oil/ gas field development projects
  • Previous Upstream Engineering Floating Production Unit , orOffshore Platform experience would be advantage
  • Experienced in operation for offshore gas facilities is beneficially
  • Having ability in English Language.


Requirements :

  • Graduate Diploma 3 with majoring Electrical/Instrument, Mechanical/Piping)
  • Must have more than 10 years’ experience in oil and gas industry and 5 years as technicians.
  • Having ability in English Language


Requirements :

  • Graduate Diploma 3 with majoring Electrical/Instrument, Mechanical/Piping)
  • Must have more than 8 years’ experience in oil and gas industry and 5 years as technicians
  • Having ability in English Language.


Requirements :

  • Engineering degree
  • Training & Course TBosiet
  • Training & Course API580/581; API571; API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 (Preferred)
  • Fluent knowledge Of English (spoken and written)
  • 5 years experience in Asset Integrity
  • 10 years experience in Oil and Gas Industry


Requirements :

  • Engineering degree
  • Training & Courses Tbosiet
  • Having ability in English Language.
  • 5 years experience in Deepwater Subsea Operation
  • 10 years experience in Oil and Gas Industry
  • Subsea Operation : Subsea Facilities Integrity, Subsea Pipeline Integrity, Subsea Intervention and subsea monitoring, troubleshooting and optimization
  • Well Integrity: Well Integrity Management
  • Subsea Operation Readiness: Simops, pre-commissioning, commissioning, shutdown, Integrated Handover to Operations, Start Up and First Period Production Knowledge


Requirements :

  • Relevant Oil & Gas /engineering Master’s or bachelor’s degree from reputable university.
  • 7+ years’ experience in relevant Maintenance Engineering and Operation Readiness Assurance at upstream oil and gas facilities and CMRP certified is a must
  • Previous experience with Maintenance Management or technical experience.
  • A good understanding and working knowledge of pressure equipment, rotating equipment, electrical equipment
  • A good understanding and working knowledge of engineering drawings and documents including P&ID’s, C&A, etc.
  • Demonstrable and broad technical capability and understanding which encompasses all Maintenance related disciplines.
  • Familiar with RAM analysis, Maintenance Plan, RCM, Work Load Analysis, SPIR review, SECE & OCE Identification, Maintenance Strategy Selection, Major Maintenance on future Turnaround , CMMS data as per relevant MMS docs ie MEL, PBS, Item Numbering, GMP etc
  • Having ability in English Language



  • Relevant Oil & Gas /engineering Master’s or bachelor’s degree from reputable university.
  • 10+ years’ experience in relevant Maintenance Engineering and Operation Readiness Assurance at upstream oil and gas facilities is a must
  • Previous experience with Maintenance Management or technical experience.
  • A good understanding and working knowledge of pressure equipment, rotating equipment, electrical equipment
  • A good understanding and working knowledge of engineering drawings and documents including P&ID’s, C&A, etc.
  • Demonstrable and broad technical capability and understanding which encompasses all Maintenance related disciplines.
  • Familiar with RAM analysis, Maintenance Plan, RCM, Work Load Analysis, SPIR review, SECE & OCE Identification, Maintenance Strategy Selection, Major Maintenance on future Turnaround , CMMS data as per relevant MMS docs ie MEL, PBS, Item Numbering, GMP etc
  • Having ability in English Language.

Tata Cara Melamar :
Untuk teman-teman yang berminat, bisa kirim berkas lamaran ke email berikut : with subject : position – lama waktu experience

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